Supervolcanoes: The Supervillains of the Geologic World
Source: SUPERVOLCANOES are like the supervillains of the geologic world, as stories of their looming threat grow ever more exaggerated. Though massive eruptions do pose real dangers, misconceptions about them abound. Supervolcanoes are the most violent and complex class of volcanoes. But despite their destructive capabilities, They can also make way for life renewed. Around 20 supervolcanoes scattered across the planet. They are usually characterized as large depressions in the ground, called calderas, located above multiple openings in the Earth's crust. In terms of eruptions, supervolcanoes explode at a magnitude of eight, the highest and most violemt classification on the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI). Supervolcanoes undergo a life cycle of three major stages: a surge of trapped magma, a supereruption and a resurgence 1. Surge of Magma: The first stage of a supervolcano's life cycle involves a pocket of magma trapped under the Earth's crust. Magma i...