The Ancient City of Mohenjo-daro
Mohenjo-daro image source: m The ancient city of Mohenjo-daro is one of the first urban cities in human history. Nestled in southern Pakistan's Indus River Valley, Mohenjo-daro is the largest and best-preserved city of the Indus civilization, the earliest know civilization of the Indian subcontinent. Mohenjo-daro was build around 2,500 BC, about the same time the great pyramids were being build in Egypt. And expand a surface area of nearly 500 acres an incredible size for a city of this time period. 'Great Bath' in the Mohenjo-daro Citadel image source: Because of Mohenjo-daro's grand scale, archeologists believe it may have served as a seat of power for the Indus civilization. The city was divided into two districts, the Citadel and the Lower Town. The Citadel is home to the city's exceptional monuments including great baths, a 900 square foot tank fed from the Indus River. Mohenjo-daro also had a sophisticated water system. Houses had ...